Why is yul brynner buried in france
Posted by: Chickilim. Location: Centre-Val-de-Loire, France. Published By: Bear and Ragged. Download this waymark:. GPX File. LOC File. She left the United States with the urn containing the ashes of her husband she buried in the garden of his Normandy's home. A few years later, Kathy Lee sells the house but did not leave her husband. However as she often has to travel it is difficult to move with the urn. That's why she finally decided to entrust the ashes of her husband to the monks of the Abbey of Saint-Michel de Bois Aubry for them to watch over the eternal repose of the actor who was like them of Orthodox confession.
Here's how the American movie star known throughout the world and who spoke eleven languages, lies in this little garden of Touraine's countryside! Visit Instructions: To post a visit log for waymarks in this category, you must have personally visited the waymark location. When logging your visit, please provide a note describing your visit experience, along with any additional information about the waymark or the surrounding area that you think others may find interesting.
We especially encourage you to include any pictures that you took during your visit to the waymark. Because in his own way, he was a King himself! Post a Comment. Candes Saint-Martin, my favourite spot in La Touraine. Friday, 5 June The King and I. It's Yul Brynner, of course. This is also the answer to the recent quiz question in the sidebar. Congratulations to those of you who got it right!
Inside the chapel ruins you could see that some renovation work was being done. But it was clear that it would take a lot of time, effort and money to restore it to its former glory. Outside the ruins was a tiny sign showing the way to the cemetery. There was no one in sight, and the place looked completely deserted. After a short walk through very high grass, we reached a small group of trees.