Straightforward what does it mean
A straightforward car repair; a disease with straightforward symptoms; a straightforward approach to the problem. His writings are exceedingly voluminous, and his style is clear and straightforward , though undeniably prolix.
He knew his stubborn will and straightforward hasty temper. His narrative of the years all that now remains is honest and straightforward , but his diction is awkward and obscure. All rights reserved. Filters 0. Definition of straightforward Entry 1 of 2.
Definition of straightforward Entry 2 of 2. Other Words from straightforward Adjective straightforwardly adverb. Examples of straightforward in a Sentence Adjective Using the computer program is fairly straightforward. He was very straightforward with us. She gave a straightforward account of what happened.
Adverb she finally told him straightforward that she wasn't interested in a date. Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective Weighing the cost of temporary lost business against the final outcome is a necessary, but usually fairly straightforward , equation. First Known Use of straightforward Adjective , in the meaning defined at sense 1a Adverb , in the meaning defined above.
Learn More About straightforward. Share straightforward Post the Definition of straightforward to Facebook Share the Definition of straightforward on Twitter. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.
Words nearby straightforward straighten out , straighten up , straight face , straight fight , straight flush , straightforward , straight from the horse's mouth , straight-from-the-shoulder , straight goods , straight gyrus , straightjacket. Words related to straightforward candid , forthright , genuine , sincere , truthful , unequivocal , clear , clear-cut , unambiguous , uncomplicated , aboveboard , barefaced , direct , frank , guileless , honorable , just , level , mellow , open.
How to use straightforward in a sentence The argument for defunding, however, is fairly straightforward. What happens to our lost childhood memories?
Motherhood sent me looking for answers. Missy Ryan February 4, Washington Post. Image credits. Word of the Day sweetheart. Blog Outsets and onsets! Read More. November 08, To top.
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